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Membership has its advantages

The general public is welcome at the ranges, except during special or membership-only events. We would like to encourage you to consider joining the club.

Dues are paid yearly and members shoot at reduced rates.
The initiation fee is $200 and annual dues are $200.

Club members and their immediate family (spouses, children under the age of 18, students under 21) can shoot at member rates when accompanied by the member, providing you even more savings.

Guests of a member (outside the immediate family) can shoot as a guest one time under the member rate, when accompanied by the member. After that, guests must either join the club or shoot at non-member rates.

There are two types of memberships: regular and associate. Associate members have the same shooting privileges and access to the facilities as regular members but cannot hold an elected office or vote on club matters. Associate members willing to be more involved with club activities and programs may petition for regular membership in accordance with the club by-laws. Petitions may be filed after two years of associate membership.

To apply for membership, download the Associate Membership Application, print it out and complete all questions, sign and date it. Please note, we now require each application to be sponsored by a regular member.

Bring your completed application along with your initiation fee and annual dues (a total of $400) to either the Trap Cashier or Rifle/Pistol cashier. A sponsor will authorize your membership and payment can be made with the cashier by check, cash or credit card.

Membership Application Form

Application Form
A black and white silhouette of a shark on a white background.

Call for Volunteers

For those members who would like to volunteer, please inquire regarding club incentives for helping out by contacting either

Bryan Weeks: bhweeks@lprg.org


Kelley Munoz: lprgctrapoffice@lprg.org

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